Hello, thank you for visiting my site. Here you can find more about me, GOFUR, as well as other projects that I am working on.

About Me

I am a current graduate student at the California Institute of Technology and a recent graduate of the University of Mississippi where I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BS in chemistry (chemical physics emphasis) and a BA in mathematics.

My Research Interests lie in the Use of Time Resolved THz spectroscopy in order to study transient states in materials for sustainability and quantum information applications.



Graduate Outreach for the Furtherment of Undergraduate Research is a project that aims to inform talented students of America’s STEM magnet high schools about the exciting research that awaits them in university.


Curriculum Vitae

Click here to find out what I have been up to academically.


If you are an educator interested in getting your STEM magnet school involved with GOFUR, or are a graduate student interested in showing what your lab has to offer to undergraduate researchers please feel free to contact me by filling out the form to your right.